More than 30 years of experience in ISO quality Management and Consultancy services
We offer design and implementation services for ISO quality management systems and ISO training.
- Competence. We guarantee management services, consultancy and training programs that are efficient and innovative.
- Perfectionists. We love what we do and we always bring more to the table than our competitors!
- Teamwork. Together with our clients, through a close collaboration we always have the best results!
Outsourcing the Environmental Quality Management, Occupational health and safety activities, can reduce the costs of your company up to 50% in these areas!
ISO Management
Our services include outsourcing company management, outsourcing support functions, including quality, occupational health and safety management, human resources, legal, accounting, IT, communication and PR.
ISO Consulting
We have at your disposal our know-how regarding internal audits of the ISO management systems, second-party audits of suppliers, ISO post-certification services, initial audits of environmental compliance, health and safety at work.
ISO Implementation
Our expertise includes the development of regulations for organization and operation, internal regulation, job descriptions, procedures, work instructions and environmental protection services.
ISO Training
We provide training for organizing emergency situations, improving the information circuit within companies, organizational proposals for productive flows, etc.
More than 130 companies from various domains trusted us and benefited from our vast experience. For every problem you might have, we can help!
Over 30 years of successful projects together with our partners! We look forward for any new challenge and whatever future technologies will bring!
What our clients say
Quality Environment proved its ability to satisfy even the most exigent clients! One of the best proofs is the long-lasting relationships that we have with our clients! Here's what they think about us and about their partnership with us:
Quality Environment has a excellent team of professionals which takes every of your need very seriously. Whatever your question they always have a solution to propose. The kind of people who likes to get things done!
Jürgen Godske
CEO & Fondator
Dorim sa punctam buna colaborarea pe care am avut-o pana acum, cu reprezentantii dumneavoastra si, analizind costurile, performantele si calitatea buna a serviciilor oferite, recomandam sa apelati cu incredere!
Sara Vasiliu
HR Manager
Suntem incantati de colaborarea avuta cu Quality Environment. O abordare profesionala, prietenosi si flexibili, lucreaza repede si bine. Au dat dovada de calitati foarte bune de comunicare in relatia cu clientul.
Andrada Barbu
Colaborarea cu Quality Environment a reprezentat un pas inainte in dezvoltarea afacerii noastre. Disponibilitatea, profesionalismul si perseverenta sunt doar cateva calitati ale acestei echipe.
Matei Ivanescu
Manager Departament
Suntem foarte multumiti de colaborarea pe care am avut-o cu echipa Quality Environment. Am fost impresionati de suportul pe care ni l-au acordat si de faptul ca au inteles perfect ceea ce doream sa obtinem!
Bogdan Dumitrescu
Director General
Outsource and reduce costs up to 50%
Did you know that by outsourcing Environmental Quality Management, Occupational health and safety activities, can reduce the costs of your company up to 50% in these areas?
Our team is ready to help you reach your company's objectives! Let's begin!
SC Quality Environment SRL CUI: RO22318871 Nr. Reg. Com: J40/16106/2007